King Kong ain't got shit on me

You've been hearing about whiter whites and brighter colours for years, so which detergents really deliver? Find out! Grey hat Black hat or White hat When I first went in, the net was a completely different place, I think it was right after the last release of the Mosaic and people were using Lynx. Lately hackers had to get into political issues because the politics are invading the technology. Ordinarily hackers don't really like to mess with politics because that kind of adversarial relationship has nothing to do with the pure technical operations and the technical specifications of what we like to play with, the hardware! All Hacking, is just hacking away at a computer keyboard until it does what you want it to do. That's all! Our proper title has been unsurped by the press and handed off these fourteen year old twerps that crack into system security and we call these people crackers, because they crack system security. So what is hacking, is it a counter-culture. I don't necessarily think it is, I think it's part of culture. I believe in socially responsible hacking. technology in the deployment of technology is a great force that is affecting the daily lives of everybody in our society today, more and more everyday as technology speeds forward. The employment of this technology in our daily lives brings up real issues, issues that pertain to those basic human rights we hold, those basic human rights of communication. On one hand, the acceptable societal norms which control that technology, is driven largely by commercial interest. The hackers largely are the people's voice that can be raised up to have an effect on the development of those rules, laws and norms which govern the deployment of the technology, for the people. not for the commercial interest.

Spoken word by: Emmanuel Goldstein - Kevin Mitnick - 2600 - ShareTheKnowledge - Hacktick
Composed by: Gideon van dijk 2004